Selected group of pupils and professors from Tehnička škola Kostolac visited Viminacium and took virtual tour through its 3D visualized past.
Viminacium – Guided tours
As one of the activities related to project ARCHEST Viminacium team organized guided tours with digital archaeology and 3D reconstructions for teenagers from Požarevac Gymnasium and Ekonomsko Trgovinska Škola from Požarevac.
Radionica “Digitalni marketing plan Viminacijuma”
Tokom 50. Sajma turizma u Novom sadu organizovana je radionica pod nazivom Digitalni marketing plan Viminacijuma. Prijavilo se 7 timova od po 4 člana. Četiri tima ušla su u finale održano 5.oktobra 2017. Timove su sačinjavali studenti sa FON-a, departmana za marketing. Tada su timovi prezentovali svoja rešenja pred žirijem u kojem su bili Vladimir … Read More
The holidays offer an excellent opportunity for a visit to the Archaeological Park Emona
Digital Archaeology
Digital Archaeology Digital Archaeology was the event in Belgrade that accompanied celebration of the 70 years of the Institute of Archaeology. Between 5-12 June 2017 digital reconstructions were presented in the lobby of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and at the square in front of the building. Visitors could see 3D reconstructions related … Read More