ARCHEST - Developing archaeological audiences
along the Roman route Aquileia-Emona-Sirmium-Viminacium
- is a project financed by Creative Europe 2014-2020
ARCHEST project aims at capitalising the results of the project T-PAS (Tourist promotion of the archaeological sites along the route Aquileia – Emona – Viminacium) co-financed by the CULTURE Programme 2007-2013 in 2011 and mentioned as good practice connecting culture and tourism during the Infoday on EU funds for tourism held in Brussels in March 2013
Starting from that positive experience, the Institute for the Protection of Monuments of Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia) expressed the desire to join the partnership and the Archaeological Park of Audantonia (Croatia) will participate as associate partner. In this way the project will also cover the Croatian part of the route.
The partnership is made up of 4 important Roman archaeological sites whose knowledge is essential to learn about Roman history in Europe and consequently to understand contemporary Europe.